Sumner Communications, Inc.
Sumner Communications, Inc.

Lot Detail:

Wholesale Blee Inara Fashion Jewelry

Category: Fashion Accessories
Date Posted: 12/16/24
Price: $0.00
Quality: New
FOB: Los Angeles
Shipping: FedEx, UPS or Freight Carrier
Terms: Credit Card, Debit, Paypal, Money Order, Cash


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Wholesale Blee Inara Fashion Jewelry

FOB: Los Angeles

Multiple lots available. Each lot contains slightly over 11,000 units of Blee Inara fashion jewelry. Items are new overstock, The goods are packed loose in cases. Some of the items will be in individual poly bags.

Wholesale Prices: $3.50 to $120 per unit

Over $200,000 in Wholesale Value in each lot.

Asking just 12% of wholesale!

Load includes: 18K gold plated necklaces, gold vermeil bracelets, rings, wraps, and more.

Please see the manifests for details of each lot.

Fantastic products for online sales, boutique stores and gift items for the upcoming holiday season!

Blee Inara brings an upbeat vibe to a traditional symbol. All designs are original, handcrafted, and adjustable, each with an eye charm to provide the wearer with comfort and protection against undesired energy. Blee Inara is an evolving, imaginative, playful jewelry line that reflects the physical and spiritual beauty of our world. Many wearers enjoy layering combinations of pieces to provide for unique individual experiences and personal fashion statements - we encourage you to create and play!

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Contact Seller

Via Trading
2520 Industry Way
Lynwood, CA 90262
Phone: 877-202-3616

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