Lot Detail:
Liquidation of Cellular Accessories
Category: Fashion Accessories
Date Posted: 12/16/24
Price: $20,202.56
Quality: New
FOB: Los Angeles
Shipping: FedEx, UPS or Freight Carrier
Terms: Credit Card, Debit, Paypal, Money Order, Cash
FOB: Los Angeles
Liquidation of approx. 37,218 cellular accessories.
Retail prices range from $1.99 to $39.99 per unit.
Total retail value for the load is slightly over $224,000.
Your price is 9% of Retail.
Load includes: FIFO Micros, FIFO Selfie Sticks, Sport cases, Power Banks, Car Chargers, Screen Protectors, Cases, Headphones, and many other accessories.
Great products for retailers, dollar stores, convenience stores, and flea markets.
If you are interested in this load, please view the following loads which contain similar products that could sell well together:
Please view manifest to see complete details.
*Full Catalog also includes items from the above mentioned TIGR loads.