Lot Detail:
LiquidateNow | Liquidation of Crib Sheets, Bassinet Sheets,
Category: Housewares
Date Posted: 01/02/25
Price: $9,219.25
Quality: New
FOB: Los Angeles
Shipping: FedEx, UPS or Freight Carrier
Terms: Credit Card, Debit, Paypal, Money Order, Cash
This is an Opportunistic Liquidation of approx. 6,721 units of assorted New Overstock Carters, Kidsline, and Room 365 crib sheets, bassinet sheets, and changing pad covers.
Approx 98% of the load will be the brand Carters.
Goods have a Total Retail Value of $100,747.79, or $14.99/unit.
Asking approx. $1.37/unit, or $9,219.25 for the load.
Reasonable offers for less may be considered.
Great item for Reatilers, Wholesalers, and Online Sellers!