Lot Detail:
LiquidateNow | Wholesale Liquidation of Assorted Tendy Hats
Category: Fashion Accessories
Date Posted: 01/05/25
Price: Varies
Quality: New
FOB: Los Angeles
Shipping: FedEx, UPS or Freight Carrier
Terms: Credit Card, Debit, Paypal, Money Order, Cash
This is an opportunistic liquidation of Tendy branded hats.
There are multiple loads available.
The hats will include a variety of colors and styles, representing Los Angeles, Texas as well as different styles including baseball cap and military style hats.
Please review the downloadable pdf which shows each style included.
All items are new overstock.
The original MSRP of each unit is $29.99.
Asking $1.25/unit.
Reasonable offers for less may be considered.
Great items for Retailers, Online Sellers, Boutiques, & Export!