Lot Detail:
LiquidateNow | Liquidation of Grindz Pants
Category: Apparel
Date Posted: 01/12/25
Price: $13,961.25
Quality: 0
FOB: Los Angeles
Shipping: FedEx, UPS or Freight Carrier
Terms: Credit Card, Debit, Paypal, Money Order, Cash
Liquidation of approx. 3,285 pairs of New Overstock Grindz Padded Pants. Grindz pants are protective padded apparel for skating, skateboarding, roller blading, cycling, or any activity requiring protective padding.
This load includes Grindz pants in the following styles: Regular, Chino, & Slim
- Colors include: Blue, Black, Grey, & Khaki
- Sizes range from 4-36.
- Retails values per unit range from $59.99-$64.99.
- Total retail value is over $200K.
- Asking just $4.25/pr or $13,961.25 for the load.
Reasonable offers for less are considered. Great item for retailers and online sellers.