Lot Detail:

Category: Sunglasses
Date Posted: 03/05/25
Price: Call or Email
Quality: New
FOB: O'Fallon, MO
Shipping: UPS Ground
Terms: C.C. - Pay Pal - MOney order/Check
We have a HUGE selection of sunglasses in stock and ready to ship!
Sunglass season is right around the corner! Below are some ALL season long specials. These specials take the hard part out of your buying. Pick the special below and we will hand pick the BEST styles and ship to you for free! We won't ship bad styles, so don't worry. If we did than you wouldn't reorder!!!
25 Dozen (300 pair) $550.00 Shipped for FREE!!
50 Dozen (600 pair) $1050.00 Shipped for FREE!!
100 Dozen (1200 pair) $2000.00 Shipped for FREE!!
Justin Krenz
St. Louis Wholesale