Lot Detail:
Licensed Purse BLOWOUT!!

Category: Handbags & Luggage
Date Posted: 03/05/25
Price: $7.50
Quality: New
FOB: O'Fallon, MO
Shipping: UPS Ground
Terms: C.C. - Paypal - Money Order/Checks
We are closing out this style of Licensed purse. Below is a list of teams avalable. Wont last long at this price..
Normal Wholesale $12.00
QTY - Team:
192 - Blackhawks
96 - Penguins
72 - Lakers
330 - Colts
264 - Chargers
252 - Heat
240 - Yankees
312 - Yankees PINK
276 - Longhorns
192 - Eagles
312 - Celtics
276 - Vikings
216 - Dolphins
432 - Cowboys PINK
500 - Saints
300 - Hawkeyes
348 - Hawykeyes PINK
340 - Rams
Call or email for even better pricing!