Lot Detail:
Assorted Silk and CM4 Cell Phone Cases
Category: Electronics
Date Posted: 03/24/25
Price: $0.00
Quality: New
Shipping: FedEx, UPS or Freight Carrier
Terms: Credit Card, Debit, Paypal, Money Order, Cash
This liquidation includes multiple loads of Silk and CM4 iPhone 7 and 7 plus, iPhone 6(s) and 6(s) Plus, and Galaxy S4 cell phone cases. The products were founded on the idea that they can be ingenious and simple, designed to drive value, both in price and in daily life.
There are 6 loads available. Each load contains an assortment of slightly over 19,500 units and have retail values just under $290,000. Asking just $1.25/unit.
The products will be in their original master cases. Each unit is individually wrapped in plastic. The color of the case is indicated on the SKU on the back of each package.
Please view the manifest for details on each load.
Please view the downloadable catalog for details on each product.